Thursday, July 7, 2011

Summer VBS Program

Main Street's annual SUMMER PROGRAM began June 27th- it runs Mon-Tues-Thurs. from 8am-11am and it is FREE~~ yes, FREE~~~ breakfast served daily and lots of games, bible lessons, crafts, etc. and even field trips! Open to all area children grades K-6th grade. Call 886-9604 or come by the church office for an enrollment form. We're having lots of fun this summer and missing you. c


Volunteers: Debbie Combs and Sandy and Tommy Gibson

Volunteer Michelle Smelser at the craft table

Our youth minister, Matt Mitchell

Bible lesson

Breakfast in the morning

Volunteer Pat Graham serving breakfast

some of the crafts/ Bible lesson stuff

Games in the gym

Maranda Richey, a volunteer

Wake up, Zach!!


Anonymous said...

like it

Anonymous said...

me too