Thursday, December 20, 2007

From The Preacher's Desk

The Big News
In December 1903, after many attempts, the Wright brothers were successful in getting their “flying machine” off the ground. Thrilled, they telegraphed the message to their sister, Katherine: “We have actually flown 120 feet. Will be home for Christmas.” Katherine hurried to the editor of the local newspaper and showed him the message. He glanced at it and said, “How nice. The boys will be home for Christmas.” He totally missed the big news—man had flown!

At this joyous time of the year, many people are busy wrapping presents, planning holiday meals, and trimming their homes for the holiday. It is easy to lose sight of the “big news.” While there is no command from God for Christians to celebrate December 25, and the Bible does not tell us when Christ was born, this is the time when many people are more centered on religious activities than at other times of the year.,

For the Christian, we must use this opportunity to tell others about Jesus and His saving power. People need to know that the “baby Jesus” grew up and become the Savior of the world (John 3:16).

God has left three memorials to Christ—all which point to His death and resurrection.
1. Water baptism—reminds us of the death, burial, and
resurrection of Jesus (Romans 6:3-4).
2. The Lord’s Supper—is a constant reminder of His
death. As we partake of the unleavened bread and the
fruit of the vine, we “...proclaim the Lord’s death till He
comes…” (1 Corinthians 11:26).
3. Worship—When we worship on the Lord’s day, the first
day of the week, we are reminded of His resurrection
(Matthew 28:1; Acts 20:7; Revelation 1:10).

From the Main Street Congregation,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
~ Members of Main Street Church of Christ

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a great looking group of kids!

Its a good thing that the camera missed the preacher 1 :)