Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wednesday Elementary Class

We're blessed with so many kids on Wednesdays, that we have divided the pre-teen class into two groups. This Wed. was our first week to meet. Cody Holland will be teaching one group and I'll have the other.
I had the pleasure of having the younger group this week-- we are starting a series of "Fruits of the Spirit" (Gal. 5:19-24). The opening activity, I had the kids try to eat a dill pickle covered in unsweetened lemonade flavor kool-aid. It was a mouth pucker for them, as evidenced in the photos!!

The winner: Jordan Lawson!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Youth Sunday

Main Street had a Youth Day Sunday, September 21. We had lunch in the annex following services (chili dogs!) and had some open play in the gym, followed by a devotional. finally, we went to Campus Cove Bowling Center-- they opened just for us! We had a fun afternoon together. We had 34 children plus adults in attendance.

The Hufstedlers

The Smelsers'

Tristan Colburn

Beth Bonner and cousin

Here we are enjoying the meal together

From left: Zach, Tristan, Jonathan, Gracie, and Dalton

From left: Drake (head turned-- on purpose-- he's always camera-shy!), Matthew, and Luke

Robin and Amber



We had a devo in the gym-- this was the opener-- the kids had to hold hands-- here they see me taking a photograph and they dropped the hand-holding!

Drake, Luke, and KJ are confident in their masculinity and kept holding hands!

The game was the young kids against the older kids-- the older kids won 5-1.


Cathy and Chris

The Burris Family came to bowl with us

Robin had enough and found a place to snooze a little

Dawn, Amber and James

Tanner, Amber, Janie, Chelan

Jonathan, Tyler, and Zach


Hope and Katleyn

Luke and friend, with dad, Steve
Matthew and KJ-- Will in background

Andrew and Luke

Matthew, James, and Canyon

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sisters In Christ Meeting

Debbie Combs and Nancy Medlock

The "sisters in Christ" had their monthly meeting tonight in the annex. They were small in number, but mighty in smiles!

Pat Graham and Estella Smith

Debbie Cook and Doris Shackelford

Helen Swindle with Debbie

Penn's Grandson

Sorry, the quality isn't good, but congrats to David and Dana Penn on the birth of their first granchild, Ethan Penn Thomas, who was born last night weighing 8lbs. 10 oz.

Proud grandma Dana Penn
A maybe even proder grandpa, David

Aunt Amber

Sarah and Ethan

Wednesday Pre-Teen Class

My Wednesday class included a game called "Sock Thief" (see below) and a lesson over Eph. 4:11-12. We read a skit together called "The Carpenter." Here Gatlin reads his part with Mallory and Canyon.

"Sock Thief" was a fun game that started the evening off on our theme to be disciples-- building up (edifying) instead of tearing apartt.

Some of the group watched...

Luke Wall was the winner-- he collected the most socks

Amber Wilkins was a close second
Andrew Coker got his socks back!