Thursday, November 29, 2007

Some Random Photos

I'm cleaning out my camera memory today and here are some random shots of our kids-- just too good to delete.
Hailey Fowler

Kyle Johnson

Matt Wall

James Combs

Tyler Dillport

Dillon Cagle

Dylan Medlock

Jill Cagle and Nancy Medlock (well, they're not kids, but still a good picture)

MacKenzie Hibbs

Tucker Hurst

Upcoming Events

Thursday, November 29- Foster Parents Meet in Annex
Sunday, December 2- END OF YEAR POTLUCK- following PM services. Everyone is invited
Wednesday, December 5- Wednesday Night Program- Menu: Mexican; Please bring a canned- good or non-perishable item to help restock our benevolent pantry
Wednesday, December 5- New Ladies Bible class meets in gym 7:00-7:45pm.
Sunday, December 9- Life Groups Meet in Annex- after PM service.
Tuesday, December 11- "Over 50's" Monthly Fellowship- Senior Group 12:00 noon in annex.
Wednesday, December 12- Wednesday Night Program.
Thursday, December 13- "Sisters In Christ" Group meets 6:30pm (Holiday at Gerry Dale's).
Friday, December 14- Youth Lock-In to benefit Angel Tree- Grades 1-7; 8:00pm-7:00am.
Saturday-Sunday Dec.14-15- Fall Basketball ends- Awards.
Saturday, December 14- Angel Food Distribution here 8:30am-10:30am.

Also, remember our Ladies Monday Morning Bible Study 10:00 am each week, and the Prayer Group meets Mondays at 6:30pm.

Wednesday Night Program

We have a very active kids and family program on Wednesday nights. These are pictures from last night's activities. The gym opens at 5:00pm, a dinner is served at 6:00pm, and we offer Bible classes for all ages from 7:00-8:00pm. Some of our young men are in charge of the devotional at the end of class.
If you aren't attending, you are missing a very important mid-week spiritual lift. Our teachers, kitchen workers, youth leaders, and members are busy preparing the program each week. Bring your kids and join us next Wednesday!

Eric Fry (far left), Janie Cagle, and Robert Willfond

Dalls Cagle talks to the Gordon family-- Bill, Amber and Gloria.

Layne Ditto takes a break from playing in the gym

A big smile from Rebecca Easton

Kenneth and a shy Wanda McEntire

The other half of the twins-- Zachary Willfond-- or is it Robert Willfond?

The group in line to eat!!
One of our servers tonight-- Dana Hayes. Incidently, Dana is getting ready to retire Dec. 20 after 22 yeas of employment with St. Bernards. Congrats!

Martha Coker serves her grandson, Andrew. Our menu was hotdogs or Cheeseburger Macaroni, tator tots, mac and cheese, salad, beans, and banana pudding or cheescake. Yum, yum!

Marilyn Colburn (far right), Doris Shackelford, and Paula Fuller man the dessert line.

Michelle Easton takes control of the drinks.

Come join us! Lots of fun and fellowship!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

From the Preacher's Desk

My Brother’s Keeper
When I look at all the questions asked in the Bible, one always stands out. In Genesis 4, after Cain had killed his brother, Abel, the Lord asked about Abel, and Cain responded: "Am I my brother's keeper?" (Gen 4:9) Do we have a responsibility to watch out and care for our fellow Christians?
The Scriptures say we should watch over one another. For example, if I see my brother “overtaken in a fault,” we must exhort them, lest they be hardened by their sin (Hebrews 3:12-14). If I know my brother is erring, I have a responsibility to go to him. We also have to be willing to “bear their burdens” (Galatians 6:1-2.). I must be willing to forgive when they repent (Ephesians 4:32). Above all, we have a responsibility to “…love one another as Christ loved us” (John 13:34-35.)
Sometimes one of the hardest things we must do is to love each other. We are not always very lovable. We do things to each other, things that many times we do not mean to do, but nevertheless, we have a tendency to hurt one another and get on each others nerves.
At times, it has to be appalling for God to look down to see how we treat one another. At times we are quick to throw one another overboard. Someone has said the Christian army is the only one in which we shoot our own soldiers. Where is the love, the care for one another, the patience and perseverance? As John wrote: We love because he first loved us.( 1 John 4:19)And Jesus Himself said “…love one another, as I have loved you.” John 15:12 So, if we love each other… our ministries and our service to God will become powerful and will reflect the God that we serve. And, our love should be something that is real and seen by others so that others can see the kind of God we serve.
One person observed: Love is a language that can be heard by the deaf and seen by the blind.
Rob Combs

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Prayer Group

The backbone of every congregation is prayer-- we all know that. The Bible tells us about how effective a Christian's prayer can be. James 5:16 say, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." In other words, I'd rather have ONE righteous Christian praying for me than 100 "lukewarm" Christians. We are a congregation that values prayer. It draws us closer to our Father (Col. 1:3).

One of our long-time groups at Main Street is our Prayer Group. It has met for years and although we are small in number, we are mighty in prayer. Did you know in our meeting each week we: 1. Pray for each member who was not present on Sunday
2. Discuss and pray for our members who are sick, as well as "friends and
family" of our members who may be sick. We remember those in our
area nursing homes and our members who are shut-in.
3. We pray specifically also for the bereaved who have lost loved ones,
those in the military, those suffering disasters, and for our nation.
4. We pray for each member, our evangelistic programs, our mission out-
reach, the Children's Homes, our youth leaders, and the elders and
5. We pray for needs within our congregation, as they arise. We send
out cards and notes to members who need strength and encouragement.

How important is our prayer group? You can see its significance in action as we see the answered prayers. Thanks to our mighty prayer warriors who dedicate themselves to this ministry.

Dallas Cagle (left), the deacon in charge of the Prayer Group, and Rick McEntire.

Pat Graham and Joyce Ward

Doris Shackelford, Lana Henson, and Nancy Medlock

Auvern Whaley

Helen Swindle, who also volunteers in a local jail ministry to women.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

"This Gym is Made For Walkin'"

Starting on MONDAY, November 26, the church gym will be open from 7:00am-12 noon for walkers wanting to get out of the cold. I have spoken to a number we walk with at the park and told them they are welcome to come. Please come and join us-- good exercise and good company. We'll put a pot of coffee on for you, too.

Guess Who I Saw Today?

Guess who I saw today-- on Thanksgiving Day? I came over to the gym this morning to walk, and who did I see but Tommy and Sandy Gibson. They are spending their Thanksgiving morning cleaning up from our Wednesday Dinner last evening. God bless you both.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Enter His gates with thanksgiving,and His courts with praise!Give thanks to Him; bless His name!
Psalm 100:4

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Secret Sisters Outreach

The "Secret Sisters" have changed their name to "Sisters in Christ" to better tell the community what they do-- they are actively involved in outreach in the area-- donating to the needy, helping in areas that will encourage others and to tell them about Jesus. Today, they arranged to bring full Thanksgiving dinners to a large number of elderly and shut-ins in the area that are served by the Arkansas Department of Health.

Estella Smith and Debbie Cook stand by the prepared meals-- they are packaged up and being ready to be loaded up for delivery in Walnut Ridge and Hoxie.

Ruby Light (in red) reacts to the meal being delivered. She happens to be one of our shut-ins from our congregation.
Ruby with Debbie Cook. Debbie, in addition to being an active member here at Main Street, serves as a Community-Based Case Manager for the AR Department of Health.

The Four "Debbies": Debbie Combs, Debbie Rice, Debbie Gillean, and Debbie Cook.

The food is being plated for delivery.

Pat Graham was in charge of the desserts.

Jan Dillingham is covering some of the desserts, getting them ready to be transported.

Busy Workers for the Lord: Doris Shackelford, Estella, and Debbie.

Thank you "Sisters in Christ" for all your benevolent work.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Church Remodel

We are in the midst of a remodeling project at church. It is always an exciting time to make some improvements-- we were blessed to be able to put in new carpeting (the last time was in the early 1980's!) and now we are painting the interior. Gene Dauck is a wonderfully talented man and is in charge of the painting.

Ladies Bible Class

The ladies meet each Monday for their Bible
Class. All women of the community are invited to join them. Currently they are studying out of the Old Testament book of Esther. We have a number of ladies from the Hoxie Church of Christ, and also from the Portia congregation who attend.

Barbara Davidson is one of the teachers. Ann West from the Hoxie congregation also teaches.

Dortha Burnside and Clara Melton

Sunday, November 18, 2007


I saw the following sentence sermon on a church sign: Thanksgiving is Good, Thanks-Living is Better. We need to develop a spirit of thankfulness that supercedes a holiday or just an occasional thought. Read Colossians 1:12 or I Thessalonians 5:16-18 and hear what Paul says. He basically tells us: 1.Always be joyful;

2. Continually pray;

3. Give thanks in every circumtance.

The poem below I used in my sermon today. I like its message:


Even though I clutch my blanket and growl

when the alarm rings, thank you, Lord, that I can hear.

There are many who are deaf.
Even though I keep my eyes closed against

the morning light as long as possible, thank you,

Lord, that I can see. Many are blind.
Even though I huddle in my bed and put off

rising, thank you Lord, that I have the strength to

rise. There are many who are bedridden.
Even though the first hour of my day is

hectic, when socks are lost, toast is burned and

tempers are short, my children are so loud

thank you, Lord, for my family.

There are many who are lonely.
Even though our breakfast table never looks

like the pictures in magazines and the menu is at

times unbalanced, thank you, Lord, for the food

we have. There are many who are hungry.
Even though the routine of my job is often

monotonous, thank you, Lord, for the opportunity

to work. There are many who have no job.

Even though I grumble and bemoan my fate

from day to day and wish my circumstances were

not so modest, thank you, Lord, for life.