Thursday, January 31, 2008

First Snow!

This is for all our friends down south~ some of you remember the winter snows. Well, we've been lucky this year-- until now! Today, January 31st is our first snow of the season. Schools were closed @ 10:45 this morning.

"Little Richard" Grammer, who lives next to the church, was one of the first children to get out of school!
James Combs rides a bike in the snow!

The first look at the snow-- facing Main Street.
The church-- notice the white roof. We had 65mph winds two days ago and had damage to the roof and soffits here-- and now snow!!
The parking lot is covered. As I'm writing this, the snow is still falling...
View from the backside of the annex and gym

From The Preacher's Desk

A Word Fitly Spoken

“Gone With the Wind” (1939) is considered a classic to most Americans. A winner of 10 Academy Awards and named one of the top films in history by the American Film Institute, it starred Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable. A minister in Boston objected to the use of one four-letter word in the movie. He stated if that one word was permitted, there would be no end to the profanity that would be heard in future movies. The minister was right—it all began with one word many considered innocent.

The book of James has much to say about controlling the tongue. He uses three analogies to illustrate the importance of taming the tongue:

1. The horses bit: (James 3:3) There is a sense in which the tongue controls the heart. Just as a small bit can determine the direction of a powerful horse, we must control our tongues.
2. A ship’s rudder: (James 3:4-5) Large ships are steered by very small rudders. The tongue is a small part of the body, yet it can make great “boasts.”
3. A spark that becomes a forest fire: (James 3:5-6) The tongue is a fire. Recent fires have ravaged thousands of acres in California. See how much damage that can be done by just one match. Much damage can be done by one little word or a seemingly innocent conversation.

On the positive side, James says the tongue can be useful for good- to teach the gospel, encourage the wayward Christian, rebuke the sinner, or heal the hurting and lonely. “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.” (Proverbs 25:11). James makes a positive appeal for speech that is controlled, pure, and positive. What does your speech reveal about you?


Monday, January 28, 2008

Youth Basketball is Back!

Here, Chastity Sullivan, James Combs, Brett Hufstedler and Ashlyn Abbott take charge of the score or stats for the teams.
Layne Ditto, Noah Adamson, and Paul Adamson wait for their games to start.
Coach Rodney Hufstedler and Coach Kyle Smelser help impart good sportsmanship hints to their team.
Look at the crowd! The program is for boys and girls pre-k through grade 7. If your child is older, he/she might want to help by manning the concession stand, assist a coach, or work the scoreboard. There is something for everyone to do. Just ask!
Chris Wall prepares the concession area. All monies collected go right back into the gym program to purchase uniforms, trophies, and to pay utilities on the gym.

The winter session of our youth basketball program began January 27th. We have more than 175 children signed up to play so far. Is it too late to join? Not at all! We have forms in the church office, or you can call Ed Baker at 886-6433 for additional information. Don't miss out!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

From The Preacher's Desk

It’s Not My Fault
When I taught social studies, I used to love to challenge my students with this question: Who was the 12th President of the United States?
The 12th president of the United States was David Atchison, a man so obscure that Chester A. Arthur seems a household word by comparison.
At exactly 12 noon on March 4, 1849, Zachary Taylor was scheduled to succeed James Polk as chief executive. But March 4 was a Sunday; and Taylor, a devout old general, refused to take the oath of office on Sunday.. Thus, under the Succession Act of 1792, Missouri Senator Atchison, as President ProTempore of the Senate, automatically became President.

Atchison was said to have taken the responsibilities of his office very much in stride. Tongue in cheek, he appointed a number of his cronies to high cabinet positions, then had a few drinks, and went to bed to sleep out the remainder of his brief administration. On Monday at noon Taylor took over the reins. Atchison did not accomplish anything worthwhile and took his responsibility as a joke.
What are we to do when given responsibility? As a society we do not like responsibility. We do not like accountability. All we must do is look at the beginning of mankind and the emphasis God placed upon responsibility. God did not create Adam and Eve to let them do anything that they pleased. They had responsibilities.Adam and Eve had the first recorded job description: 1. Garden Responsibilities – tend and take care of all of the plants (Genesis 2:15)- not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:17).2. Animal Responsibilities – name and care for every animal (Genesis 2:19).3. Marital Responsibilities – become one with one another without shame (Genesis 2:24).
What happened when they broke their responsibilities? They were ejected from the Garden of Eden and missed out on God’s best! Responsibility is God’s idea!
Rob Combs, Minister

Bible Class Wednesday

Here are some of the smiling faces from last evening's Bible classes. Not pictured are: Teen class, Dean Davis' Adult class; Doyle McKinney's Adult class; and Junior Briner's auditorium class.
The new ladies class

Grades 3-4

Nursery Class

Pre-K class

Pre-Teen Class

K-2 Class

Pre-Teen girls class ~ new class taught by Chastity Henry
Another view of pre-teen girls class

Upcoming Youth Events

Don't forget, the winter basketball program is in full-swing. Practices for pre-k thru 7th grade has begun~ games begin THIS SUNDAY, January 28. The program will continue through March.

Our youth minister, Tim Wilkins will be taking our young people to the HOXIE CHURCH OF CHRIST this Sunday @ 5 pm for a youth group meeting. Tim will be speaking at the session. All youth grades 7 and up are invited to attend. Meet at our church building @ 4:45 pm.

Weekly Youth Group meetings will start Sunday, February 3rd. Check out the youth calendar for Feb. to see the different age groups and times for these meetings. We will have snacks, a devo, games, etc. each Sunday evening following church service.

Tim will begin having OPEN GYM every Friday evenings from 7:00pm-8:30pm. All area children and families are invited to come and play.

Don't forget our regular "Wednesday Evening Kids for Christ" program from 5-8pm.

Also planned for February: Super Bowl Party Feb. 3 ; Valentine's Spaghetti Dinner on Feb. 10; Youth Bowling in Jonesboro on Feb. 18; Family Night Feb. 24.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Teacher Meeting

On Sunday evening, January 20th, the Wednesday "Kids For Christ" Program teachers met to discuss the program and to plan for our classes. The program has grown tremendously since we started it last summer, and we are revamping classes to better serve the children who attend. While the teachers met, our children were able to enjoy some play time.

If you have children or grandchildren, they would greatly benefit from our Wed. program. Check it out!

This is Chris Wall, who has been very instrumental in getting the program off the ground.

Cathy Coker and Chris Wall.

Kyle Johnson

Kristy Wilkins and Jason Spainhour

Amber Wilkins and James CombsMatthew Wilkins and Andrew Coker

Will Coker with Tim Wilkins

Debbie Combs

Cathy and Chris

David Coker and Dean Davis

Tim with Jason, Kristy, and Dawn

Tyler Wilkins checks out some of the snacks

Luke Wall

Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Blast From the Past

Thanks to Martha Coker for providing this photo from the Times Dispatch Newspaper. This is the winning Lawrence County Church Softball Team for summer 1980 (Main Street Church of Christ!!) Do you know who these people are? Click on the picture and enlarge it. Answers are in the caption.

Sisters In Christ Outing

The Sisters-In-Christ Group met Thursday, January 17th for their monthly meeting and fellowship. This month the group met at Chili's Restaurant in Jonesboro. Pictured below are: (from far left) Gloria Gordon, Debbie Combs, Pat Dixon, Debbie Gillean, Debbie Cook, Gerry Dale Adams, Pat Graham, and Helen Swindle.

Are you part of this ladies group? They are always wanting others to join them. Call Pat in the church office at 886-9604 for more information about the next outing.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Happy Anniversary to the Colburns!

Happy 49th Anniversary to Darrell and Marilyn Colburn! The happy couple was honored Wednesday evening during our regular program in the annex. More than 100 people attended! I have to apologize to the family, as none of the pictures I took would print out~ only this photo of the cake. I am so sorry~

When Tammy and Chastity brought in this HUGE cake that would feed over 100 people, I was stunned. This was the biggest sheet cake I'd ever seen!

A BIG thanks to our chefs for the evening, Bill and Gloria Gordon. Bill is an expert cook and made all his sauces for the meal from scratch!

Tyler Dillport and friend

The crowd for the Wed. evening program. We had a line almost to the end of the room!

Gracie Evans

The pre-teen class


Thursday, January 17, 2008

From The Preacher's Desk

Baptism is Immersion

The NT places a great priority on how one is to access/enter the church. The Great Commission and The Book of Acts emphasizes how a person becomes a member of the church. It was clearly taught and preached by Jesus and His apostles in statements such as “He who believes and is baptized shall be saved” and “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins” (Mark 16:15-16 and Acts 2:38) that immersion into Christ is of an utmost priority. Why would anyone denied such clear statements made by Jesus and His authorized agents of salvation? For those who would follow Christ, baptism is not an option. It is a command.

Sometimes I am asked why we immerse someone instead of sprinkling or pouring. I usually answer, “It is out of respect for the teaching of he Bible.” That is really the reason. The church of Christ seeks to “speak as the oracles of God.” (I Peter 4:11).

To be very specific, the word “baptize” comes from the Greek word that means “to immerse, to plunge beneath, bury, and submerge.” To consult any Greek-English dictionary and one will find the same definition. Nobody has ever sprinkled or poured for baptism because of the meaning of the word the scripture uses.
The New Testament pictures baptism as immersion (see Matthew 3:16 and Acts 8:38-39). The early church always immersed and the church continues to practice the same today.
~Rob Combs

Monday, January 14, 2008

Coker's Life Group Meets

Ted and Martha Coker's Life Group met for their monthly fellowship Sunday, January 13 in the church annex. Following the fellowship, Ted led a devotional, followed by Richard Grammer leading the group in prayer. Martha provided a number of letters which the group signed that will be mailed to area sick and bereaved. Leroy and Pat Johnson hosted this group meeting. Are you part of a Life Group? If not, you are missing out on some great fellowship opportunities!

From left: Evelyn Crow, Helen Swindle, Della Wooddard, and Martha Coker
Larry Sneed and Pat Johnson
James Combs, Heather Hamby, and Samantha Fry
Doyle McKinney, Ted Coker, David Coker, and Will Coker
Leroy Johnson and Larry Sneed
Laura Jo Gray
Richard Grammer, and Jerry and Sue Hilburn