Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Meet Us on Facebook

Are you on FACEBOOK? Meet us there! We just started a Main St. Church of Christ group there.
P.S. Be sure and add me as your friend. Thanks, Rob

Sisters in Christ Meet

The "Sister-In-Christ" met at the new Captain Catfish for their monthly fellowship in July.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Family Night at the Races

We had about 25 attend our Family Night at Crowley's Ridge Raceway in Paragould. We had a fun time and our children enjoyed time together. Our next Family Day will be August 8th as we travel to Six Flags in Gurnie, Illinois. Deadline for reduced tickets is this Friday. Come and ejoy a day with your church family.

Clean-Up Day 7/20/09

Thanks to the large group (19 in all) who came out to help clean up the vacant lots next to the church. We had lots of help and had fun cleaning.. if you can have fun cleaning!
Well, one of our firse got a little out of hand and Justin (who is a volunteer fireman) had to show us some of his skills in putting out a fire!
Justin and Alan Haskins (fire chief and member at Main Street).
Tanner, Gatlin, and Drake take a break

Yep, the fire got a little close

Ed, James, Robin

Justin C.

We are making progress!!

Our smallest helper, Emma Henry, takes a break



Yes, James, it is a fire!

Debbie W

Ed manned the mower


Tanner and Gatlin

Luke and Gatlin

Gatlin handling some roof materials

David gives James some advice about the trimmer



"Over 50's" Monthly Fellowship

The Seniors Group met last Tuesday for their monthly potluck- we invited the ladies from the Egypt Church of Christ to come and present their program on their Panama Outreach. The small congregation at Egypt has been instrumental in sewing over 300 dresses last year for the poor children in Panama. They also collected all sorts of other supplies. We hope to be able to help here at Main Street.

The hard working ladies group at Egypt Church of Christ

Rob and Debbie's Life Group Meets

Our Life Group met last Sunday evening in the annex following PM services. Our food theme was ITALIAN. The food was delicious. I forgot to take photos-- sorry- this is all I made!

Come and join one of our groups and meet some new Christian friends!!

Zach T.'s Birthday

Zach T. had his 10th Birthday Party in the annex and gym last Monday. He is a special young man to all of us here-- he comes to church on his own and rarely misses. He will come rain or shine three times a week!

Happy Birthday, Zach!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Summer Youth Program Finale

Friday, July 10 was the end of our six-week Summer Youth Program. We had a pizza party and lots of fun together on our last day together.

Thanks to Cathy Coker for providing the "end of the year" Pizza Party for everyone.

For our last craft of the year, we made "balloon animals." The kids did a great job personalizing their balloons!

Dalton made a puppy

Will and Andrew made a chicken

Blade made a penguin

Thanks to David G. who worked very hard out in the gym entertaining and organizing the kids

Abbey and others brought Ms. Karen gifts and cards

Party time!! We'll miss all the kids- we had a terrific summer together.