Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Teen Christmas Party

The teens had their annual Christmas party Sun. night after services. The fun included their "dirty Santa" gift exchange.

Pancake Breakfast With Santa

Sunday morning was our "Breakfast With Santa" from 8:30-9:30am in the annex. We had more than 25 youngsters come to visit Santa-- including the big kid you see above!! Merry Christmas from all of us at the Main St. congregation.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Combined Life Group Holiday Party

On Sunday evening, Dec. 14 was our annual combined Life Group Holiday Party, which included the "White Elephant Auction." We always have a blast- we had over 50 in attendance for the party. I got busy and forgot to take pictures!


Christmas Caroling

The youth group went Caroling Sunday afternoon-- to the two local nursing homes, as well as to the homes of some of our shut-ins. We had enough kids to break up into two different groups. We have some photos from one of the groups.

The kids made Christmas cards for the nursing homes.

Caroling outside

Caroling at the nursing home

Looks like James C. and Maci are heading up the group!!

Singing at Bob and Mary Lou Jean

Fall Basketball Ending

Believe it or not, the Fall Youth Basketball Program is ending this week. Awards are given out in each age group. Remember that the Winter Program will begin the week of January 22, 2009.

Boys- Grades 5-6
Boys Grades 5-6
Awards ceremony for Boys Grades 3-4

Girls play