Friday, May 29, 2009

3rd-6th Gr Bible Class

I teach the 3rd-6th Gr. Bible class on Wednesday evening. We do fun activities and learn more about God's greatness. Last night, my class was on God's True Greatness- He is the oldest, strongest, and smartest being. To demonstrate, I had a game- Luke W. had to get dressed up while keeping a balloon in the air. It was hilarious-- but he did it!!

Kids For Christ 5/27/09

Some photos of the fun we have every Wednesday evening at Main Street~ Come and join in the fun. We have Bible classes for all ages at 7pm.

Rodney had kitchen duties! Junior Briner's group was in charge of the meal-- spaghetti -- and it was delicious!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Secret Sisters Birthday Luncheon

The ladies in the "Sisters in Christ" group met Saturday for lunch in the annex. They honored Linda Pharas, who attends the Imboden Church of Christ. She had never had a birthday party before. The ladies had a lunch and Linda read some of her stories and poerty. It was a fun afternoon. Thanks for letting me attend, too.

Linda and her children

Linda and the whole family

Wednesday "Kids for Christ" Program

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Our annual tradition continues: we present flowers to some special mothers before services. Asbrene Milligan-- married the longest~ 66 years

mother with the most children: Viola Cook~ 8 children

Newest mom~ friend to Jerry Dale Adams-- a mom for 3 months

Ooldest mom: Geraldine Ennis~ 90 year's young!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Graduates 2009

Sunday night, we honored our 2009 high school grads. Congrats to Justin Cagle, Justin Dillingham, and Adam Stormes.
James and Robin Henry Tanner Gregory and James Combs

Chris and Matt Wall

Jonathan Colburn and Maci Smelser

Pat Graham and daughter, Paula

Evelyn Crow and Billy Hooten

Proud mother, Jan Dillingham

We had a nice crowd to honor our grads

David Gregory looks over the grads memory tables

Adam Stormes and family were gone to Searcy and unable to attend

come and check out the photos in the annex of recent youth events

our hostesses

Happy graduation!!!!!

Helen Swindle

Martha Coker looks over Justin C.'s sports memories

Justin Dillingham

Justin Cagle and Morgan Johnson