Friday, October 30, 2009

KIDS Program ~ Wednesday Nights

Some pics from this week's Wed. Program. We always have a great time together. Our Bible class teachers are the BEST~~

We judged the coloring contest from last weekend's Iron Mt. Festival.

Don't they look alike?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Iron Mountain Festival, Downtown Walnut Ridge

The Main Street Church of Christ had a booth again this year for our town's annual Iron Mountain Festival, which is held every October. We had a Coloring Contest booth for kids ages pre-school thru the 6th grade. Thanks to everyone who volunteered to help with the booth. We had more than 125 entries from local kids-- we passed out literature about the churches of Christ, and we had an opportunity to meet and greet our neighbors and invite them to church.

Christina helps her daughter, Selena, color a picture for the contest.
Pat G. and Robert R.
Libby and friend-- Libby had her own booth selling Miche purses.
Our own Paula H. was one of the organizers of the event today.
James must really love me...

Leroy came out to judge the duck calling contest
Baylee H. was helping her mom organize the festival
Joyce and Junior were out while it was still chilly!
Marilyn volunteered her time to help--
David D. and Lana
Sammy's son tries his luck at spinning the wheel
Joe and Krystal were volunteers and did a great job
Chase, Cannon and Cash B.
Jim and Doris C.
Joe fixes our booth sign
Julie and Laura
Hancel and Stephanie H, were booth workers
Karena and David also volunteered to help today
Logan H. makes it to the top!!
Pat W. ( caught her "snacking.")
Willie and Debbie C.
Another view of our booth-- this one was taken early in the morning
Janie and friend
Lorene and Reatha
Colton and Dalton M.

Angela S. and her sister
Easton, Willie. and Jeannie
Jett (far left) with his friends
Joy with her grandsons, Cole and Drake

Hayley H.

Stephen D.

Keri D.

Becky D. (right)

Joan and Libby

Martha and her grandson, Andrew
Evelyn W.

Janie enjoying the train ride with friends

Joan, Maggie, and Dallas
Brenda M. and granddaughter

Maggie working our booth--look at the crowd we had!!
More kids participating in the coloring contest

Will and Andrew race on the obstacle course

Morgan Johnson-Cagle

James decided to color his hair at the festival. Why would anyone want gray hair before its time?
Lane D.
Mandy W. and Joy help at the booth
Wesley tries out his marshmallow gun-- on me!