Thursday, June 24, 2010

Father's Day Honorees

Happy Father's Day to all our dads and grandfathers. Here are some special honorees from last Sunday.

Dad married the longest: Kendall Mlligan -- 67 + years
Dad with the most children: TIE~ Darrell Colburn- six children
Tracy Evans with six children, too.
Dad with the youngest child~ Hencel Hall- Stephanie had a baby just this past week!!
Oldest dad~ Luther Fowler- nearly 95 years old.

Wed. Kids Program

Wednesday nights are still kids nights at Main Street. Check out the youth website to find out which age group is meeting... come and join us for church at 7pm if you can't come to youth night.

Teen Scavenger Hunt

Earlier this month the teens had a Sun. night devo and scavenger hunt. We invited the youth group at Hoxie to join us, as well as a few students from CRA. The teens had a blast.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

New Youth Website

Hey, young people, we have a new website just for you! Check it out:

You'll find a calendar of events and all sorts of info about upcoming activities.

Rob and Debbie's Life Group Meets

Our Life Group met last Sunday night after pm services. We had an excellent group that enjoyed a wonderful fellowship together-- we had salads, breads, and desserts, plus a game that Cliff Henry won! Have you joined one of our Life Groups yet? We meet on Sunday nights. Come and join in the fun and fellowship and grow closer to your brothers and sisters in Christ.