Monday, October 11, 2010

Church of Christ Weekend @ Silver Dollar City

Our congregation was part of the more than 2000 Christians who attended the 10th Annual "Church of Christ Weekend" at Silver Dollar City in Branson. This is our third time attending. We had a large number from Main St. that attened again this year. We were entertained by vocal groups and participated in the large church service together in Echo Theatre. Next year's event is planned for O"ct. 8-9. Hope you can come and be part of the fun and fellowship!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Coker's Life Group

The coker's Life Group begam meeting again in Seotember, after taking the summer off. Come and be a part of the life groups on Sunday nights.

Wednesday Program

We are still in full-swing-- come and join us on Wed. nights at 6pm. Stay for Bible class. Games and fun for all kids.

Sheriff's Dept. Visits

Thanks to the Walnut Ridge police and to the Lawrence County Sheriff's office for coming to Main St. and presenting a program for area foster children. The foster parents meet at Main St. every third Thurs. at 6:30pm. We also need additional foster parents. If you would like to help, call Rob. We had more than 30 adults and children in attendance.


Welcome Matt Mitchell

Rob and Debbie's Life Group hosted a house-warming for Matt in September, Our youth minister was in need of things for his new apartment. Welcome to Main Street!

Surprise 94th B'day Party for Lorene

During Labor Day weekend, we also surprised one of the ahrdest-working Christians I've ever known- Lorene Hamilton. Happy Birthday to a terrific lady!

Jake Henry Honored

Jake Henry was honored by his family with an "Ole Fashioned Gospel Singing" over Labor Day weekend. Jake has led singing for more than 50 years at a number of churches around Ne Arkansas. More than 200 were in attendance to honor Jake for his lon-time devotion to the Lord.