Monday, May 23, 2011

Main Street Church of Christ Graduation Reception

Yesterday was SENIOR SUNDAY-- we honored our graduating seniors, Ty Stormes, Coda Pierce, and James Combs, all recent high school grads. They were each presented Bibles by their fathers (or grandfathers) on Sunday morning and were honroed w/ a reception Sunday night. Sorry, no pics of Coda, she had to go out of town Sunday night.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

New Classrooms

Thanks to Willis Cain for painting the 3rd and 4th grade and the 5th-6th grade classrooms. The kids love 'em.

KIDS for Christ~ Wednesday

Remember, we are beginning our 5th year w/ the Wednesday KIDS program. Have you visited us lately? Come and see all the fun you're missing every Wed. Bible classes for all ages-- 5-8pm.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Family Night- Pizza and Volleyball

W enjoyed a fun FAMILY NIGHT after church last night-- pizza and volleyball--what a combination! Thanks to everyone who stayed and made this an enjoyable time of fellowship.