Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wednesday Bible Class

I did an experiment of sorts with my pre-teen class a couple weeks ago. We discussed "stress" and did an experiment-- you take an empty bottle with 1 inch of water-- add 1 inch of vinegar. Next, add a balloon filled with about an inch or so of baking soda. When you combine it all, the balloon seems to blow up by itself.
The kids loved the experiment. We did this with my students at CRA recently, also.

Teen Room

We have a new big screen Tv in the teen room, and an X-Box-- kids can come in before or after classes and enjoy some play. It has been pretty popular! (I wonder why?)

Monday, March 16, 2009

India Missionary, Ron Clayton

We were happy to hear a report from Bro. Ron Clayton at our Sun. evening service. Some have asked for more information. Above are some photos. There is a wonderful summary of their work at: www.

Wednesday Photos

Lynette Lillard and family-- with honary family member, Hope Lemmons

Welcome back Carrie Colburn-- she has been in the hospital. Glad to see you tonight.

KJ Johnson- today is his birthday!

Chris Wall and Helen Swindle

The crowd ready to eat! They're hungry tonight!

Pat Graham

Amber's fiancee, Jeff

Amber Penn~ park of the Penn Group!

Our dinner hosts tonight, David and Dana Penn. They make a mean spaghetti1 Thanks for all your hard work tonight!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Welcome Our New Youth Ministry Team

Welcome to our new Youth Ministry Team-- Kyle and Michelle Smelser have been working with the youth for a number of years-- Kyle serves as a deacon at Main Street. They would like to welcome Steven and Cassie McFadden to the team--Steven is formerly a Mr. CRC at Crowley's Ridge College. He is from a ministry family. His father preaches at the Light, Ar congregation. His father is also a professor at CRC. Cassie works as a pharmacy technician in Jonesboro. We are excited about their arrival with us. Come and meet them!

Michelle Smelser (center in purple) is actively involved as a teacher and assists Kyle with the youth program.

Kyle Smelser, our youth minister
We welcome newcomers Steven and Cassie McFadden, who officially begin their duties with us on March 15. They currently live in Jonesboro, but plan to move to Walnut Ridge. Cassie grew up at the Swifton, AR church of Christ.

Kyle, leading a devotion.

We want to invite everyone to come and meet the "new team." They have lots of talent and are working diligently to continue the growth in our youth program. We need your involvement and support.

As parents, will you host a youth devo night at your house? Will you chaperon events? Will you help with the Wednesday Program? Will you help teach a class, or perhaps assist in a class? Let Kyle or Steven know if you have any ideas.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Random Basketball Photos

Winter Youth Basketball Awards

Awards for our 5th Annual Winter Youth Basketball Program were held this past weekend in our gym. I think I got photos of all the teams-- except one of the 3rd-4th gr. boys' team, who didn't "pose" for me.
Thanks again to all the volunteers -- coaches , parents, families, etc. who made this program possible. We had about 200 area children enrolled.
Watch next fall for us to be back! In the meantime, if you want to come and shoot in the gym, come on over! Hope to see you in church, too.