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Monday, March 16, 2009
India Missionary, Ron Clayton
We were happy to hear a report from Bro. Ron Clayton at our Sun. evening service. Some have asked for more information. Above are some photos. There is a wonderful summary of their work at: www. churchofchristbwv.org/missions/India_mission.html
that was a very interesting report- one of the best presentations by a missionary I've ever heard.
He mat be embellishing the numbers, I would encourage every eldership to question the structure and organization of his work. Especially how he calculates his "results". I have, and he becomes very defensive.
that was a very interesting report- one of the best presentations by a missionary I've ever heard.
Good missionary
He mat be embellishing the numbers, I would encourage every eldership to question the structure and organization of his work. Especially how he calculates his "results". I have, and he becomes very defensive.
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