Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Youth Fishing Tournament

The youth had a Fishing Derby at Stewart Park after church Sunday night. There were prizes awarded for several categories. Afterwards, the youth ministers had a hot dog roast for all the participants.

Matt gets a little help (and advice) from his mom, Chris
Luke, fishin goff the pier

Will, showing us one of the fish he caught

Kyle and Michelle

Zach and Steven - Zach won for the smallest fish caught

Luke W.

Blade and Ryker (Blade is showing us a crab he caught)


Darbie and Joe

Maci won for the most fish caught-- she caught 17!!


Will and Grandpa, Ted

Calista -- she, with the help of her dad, Jeremy, came in second, catching a total of 13 fish!

James C.

Matt W.

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