Friday, September 4, 2009

We Need You!!

We Need You!

. The dictionary defines teamwork as “ the combined effective action of a group.” We are asking for the combined action of our congregation for the upcoming Fall Vacation Bible School, which is a joint effort of both this congregation and the Hoxie Church of Christ. Mark your calendars for next Saturday, September 12 from 9:30am-2:00pm. We have Bible classes planned for all ages, including a special adult class seminar on commitment presented by Bill and Carolyn Wheeler.

We encourage you to bring your children and attend. Even if you cannot stay all day, please come for part of the day. There will be activities at both congregations. The children’s portion will be at Hoxie. A ladies class will also take place in the Hoxie fellowship hall. A men’s class will be held here in our auditorium. A joint luncheon will take place at noon at the Hoxie congregation.

We need you to commit to this by inviting your friends, volunteering to help, and by all means, attending this spiritually uplifting seminar.

What can teamwork accomplish? A number of years ago, a Nebraska farmer named Herman Ostry had a terrible task to complete. His barn floor was under 29 inches of water because of a rising creek. He invited a few friends to a barn raising. He needed to move his entire 17,000-pound barn to a new foundation more than 143 feet away. His son Mike devised a lattice work of steel tubing, and nailed, bolted, and welded it on the inside and the outside of the barn. Hundreds of handles were attached. Geuss what? Teamwork accomplished this great feat. Ostry’s neighbors came out and together they moved the barn.

We can do great things when we work together for the Lord. "And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." - Hebrews 13:16


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