Thursday, January 3, 2008

Bible Class Wednesday

Remember, we meet EVERY Wednesday for Bible Study. There are Bible classes for ALL AGES! The gym opens for the kids at 5:00pm, followed by a meal for everyone at 6:00pm (We had chicken and gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans last night). Bible classes start at 7:00pm. The youth (Grades 1-12) meet in the gym for a period of devotion, followed by Bible study.
This week, my pre-teen class had an "Indoor Scavenger Hunt." They were divided into small groups and had to look through the Bible for answers to questions posted around the building. This week the lesson was on Daniel 3~

Singing starts @ 7:00pm led by Kyle Smelser.
The overflow crowd...

Jonathan reads a clue posted on a bleacher.

The next clue...

This group won: Natasha, Toni, Hailey, Jeri, and Heather

Matt, KJ, and Drake search the Bible for clues...

Samantha and Hannah are looking at the first clue, posted in the annex

Andrew and KJ

Clue #7

Clue posted on the Children's Church door

Learning the Bible can be fun!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Combs, My son came for the first time Wednesday night. He enjoyed it. Robert K.