Monday, March 31, 2008

Youth Game Night

Tim Wilkins and Travis Edleman hosted a special GAME NIGHT for our kids Sunday evening, March 30, after services. I got there late and some had already left, but here are some of the happy faces...

Thursday, March 27, 2008

From The Preacher's Desk

We Miss You!

The Prayer Group meets each Monday evening to pray for our members and friends who are sick, bereaved, or those who are needing strength. The group also prays for the church here and the outreach programs we offer. We keep a list of our members and their attendance, so that we can pray for and visit those who are not attending regularly.
We have a number of our members who have not attended at all in 2008. The year is already passing by quickly. They have missed many opportunities to be spiritually strengthened—in addition to missing 26 sermons, they have missed 26 Bible classes; they have not met our youth minister, who was hired January 1. Their children have missed numerous youth events. The list goes on and on…
Why is it sinful to forsake the assembly of the church for which the Lord shed His blood and died? The Bible says that by forsaking the assembly one “…has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace" (Hebrews 10:29). By forsaking the assembly one is saying that he no longer cares to be a part of the church for which Christ shed His blood and died. What will happen to one who continues to forsake the assembly? God says "…vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord…it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God" (Hebrews 10:30-31).
By forsaking the assembly one is likened to, "a dog returns to his own vomit, and a sow, having been washed, to her wallowing in the mire" (2 Peter 2:23). It is sickening to the Lord to see one, for whom He died, reject His salvation and go back into sin. On the matter of missing the assembly... if a person has begun missing the assembly, if it is not corrected soon, it will snowball into that person eventually forsaking the Truth and falling back into the sinful world. Christianity is something that must be worked at daily. Luke 9:23 says, "And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me."
It's so very easy for Satan to whisper in our ear that we need to do such and such rather than study or maybe he convinces us that we need to work on Sundays, or maybe he entices us to stay up late on Saturday night so that we sleep late on Sunday morning or we aren't awake enough to truly worship even if we are there. It's very easy to fall into these traps. Satan tries to keep us so wrapped up in everyday things that we forget the real reason we're here. Eccl.12:13 tells us why we're here; "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man."

Rob Combs, Minister

Monday, March 24, 2008

Teen Movie Night

The teens met Sunday evening for a special devotional, which included the airing of "The Passion of the Christ." I snuck in a took a few pictures, but this was a very powerful and moving devotional.

Easter Egg Hunt

Due to the soggy weather outside, our annual Easter Egg Hunt was held indoors this year. We had lots of smiling faces and lots of eggs collected. We had our largest attendance of the year so far and many new faces.
Here are some of our "egg hunters." (I was late getting the camera out, so I missed a lot of the kids-- sorry.)

Spring Youth Lock-In

As a kick-off to Spring Break, the church offered a Youth Lock-In for area children. We had about 50 in attendance. We had games, a live feed for the Arkansas Razorback game, crafts, and a devo. I think everyone had a great time. Thanks to chaperones: Tim Wilkins, Chris Wall, Debbie and Rob Combs, Matt and Chastity Colburn, Cathy Coker, Kyle and Michelle Smelser, Cliff and Chastity Henry, Alexa Smelser, Derek Farrer, and Chastity Sullivan.

Will takes a break from playing

Luke partakes in some of the snacks

A fun board gameL Chastity H. , Cliff, Kaylee, Chastity C., and Matt


Chaperones Cathy, Debbie, and Chris

Michelle, Alexa, Tim, and CJ

KJ with a group of friends (I think they played basketball for 2 hours straight-- more energy than me!!)

Jonathan and friend

Chastity S.'s sister is a great volleyball player!

Matthew gets ready to take a shot

Friday, March 21, 2008

Wednesday Devotionals

This has been a busy week around the church~ The AARP Driver's Education Class for ages 50 and over was held yesterday in the church-- also the "Sisters in Christ" met last night for their monthly get-together. They traveled to Jonesboro and enjoyed a meal together at Cracker Barrel. Tonight, the youth will have a Lock-In from 8-midnight. Sunday is our annual Easter Egg Hunt after church. Don't miss out on all the acitivities here.
One of the greatest things about our Wed, Program is our Devotional time after class. Some of our boys lead songs and read scriptures. I took a few quick photos of some of the kids from last Wednesday's program.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Sunday Family Night

We had a nice turnout for our monthly FAMILY NIGHT. The adults planned the April Youth Calendar, while the kids got to play! Our theme for the evening was:GREEN. We asked everyone to wear green and also to bring green food (whether Irish or not!)
We also honored one of our elders, Ed Baker, on his birthday.

The Coker clan: Ted, Will, and David

Some of the crowd for Family Night

Elders Dean Davis and Ed Baker (Dean Wall in background)

Dean and son, Caleb

The wonderful kitchen crew: Willie Baker, Michelle Smelser, Doris Shackleford~ in background: Marilyn Colburn and Beth Poindexter

Roxann Hibbs and family

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Ed..... Happy Birthday to you! (And many more....)

Gloria and Amber Gordon

Michael Wilkins looked very festive

Tim Wilkins, with Andrew and Will Coker

Cheyenne Frizzell

Chastity Henry fills up her plate...

Martha Coker and Lisa Hufstedler

Samantha and Eric Fry, with friend

Her's another "green man" ~ Tyler Wilkins

Amber Wilkins

Maci Smelser was a little shy

Justin Dillingham

Helen Swindle, Beth and Michelle serve "Little Richard" Grammer

Martha finds a good piece of Green Pineapple Fudge for her grandson, Will

Willie and Marilyn serving green lime punch

Cody and Little Richard

Matt Colburn family

Join us next month for Family Night... fun for all ages!!