Wednesday, March 12, 2008

"Over 50's" March Fellowship

Our "Seniors Group" meets each month for a potluck and fellowship. If you are age 50 and over, please make plans to attend. The food is delicious and the fellowship is even better.
Thanks to Boyce Dixon, who was in charge today (our seniors minister, Junior Briner was out of town.)
Join us in April for the next seniors fellowship!

Millard Allison

Dr. Bobby Shackleford

Melba Kellim and Lynn Poff

Lorene Hamilton and Doris Shackleford

Nadine Weaver

Nancy Paxton and Clara Melton

Evelyn Whitmire, Nancy, Barbara Davidson and Estella Smith

Nadine, Luther Fowler, Bonita Tennyson, Pat and Boyce Dixon

Pat, Bonita, and Luther

Estella and Bonita

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