Thursday, April 3, 2008

Wed. "Kids for Christ" Program

Here are some of the kids and families who attended the Wednesday Program last night. I was a speaker at the Skaggs Church of Christ in Pocahontas last night, so I had to leave early to attend. From what I saw, there were a great number of kids from the community who attended... these are some early photos:

CJ Hibbs
Darbie Hudson and Mackenzie Hibbs
Dalton Cagle
Amber Wilkins and Zach

Amber, Hailey, and Heather

Jordan and friend
We tried out the new grill tonight-- hamburgers and hotdogs! Here, Chris Wall and Bill Gordon are working as a team!
KJ Johnson

Carrie Colburn got the grill fired up, while Samantha and Natasha help
Our program begins at 5pm on Wed~ here are some of the kids that arrived early-- about 4pm to start playing before church

Amber Gordon
Janie and Paradise

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