Monday, April 28, 2008

Youth Group

Last night was our monthly YOUTH GROUP NIGHT after evening service. Tim Wilkins preached an inspiring lesson at church service, followed by a "Build Your Own Pizza" devotional and fellowship for our kids. Our next youth night will be May 25. Come and join us!

Will, Andrew, and Eutah prepare to sing

Here Derek prapares his pizza

Layne is making his pizza

Andrew, Tyler, and Will make their pizzas

Eutah and Will

Chastity Henry and Ed Baker

Robin Henry and Dawn Wilkins

From far left: Debbie Combs, David Coker, and James Henry

Our devotional time

A BIG thanks to Travis Edelman who led our singing

Debbie Combs was in charge of cooking the pizzas during the devo

Layne and Luke

Here they are in "silly mode"

Amber and Matthew

The "crew" eating

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its too bad more parents don't encourage their children to be active in church activities like the ones you offer. For the church to flourish, it will take parents setting the example-- God bless the parents who attend these events with their children.