Monday, April 28, 2008

Youth Group

Last night was our monthly YOUTH GROUP NIGHT after evening service. Tim Wilkins preached an inspiring lesson at church service, followed by a "Build Your Own Pizza" devotional and fellowship for our kids. Our next youth night will be May 25. Come and join us!

Will, Andrew, and Eutah prepare to sing

Here Derek prapares his pizza

Layne is making his pizza

Andrew, Tyler, and Will make their pizzas

Eutah and Will

Chastity Henry and Ed Baker

Robin Henry and Dawn Wilkins

From far left: Debbie Combs, David Coker, and James Henry

Our devotional time

A BIG thanks to Travis Edelman who led our singing

Debbie Combs was in charge of cooking the pizzas during the devo

Layne and Luke

Here they are in "silly mode"

Amber and Matthew

The "crew" eating

Daily Gym Walks

The gym has been open all winter for walkers. On any given day, we have 20-30 area residents using the gym. When I got here today at 8am, there were 6 walking-- it is almost May and the temperature is nippy-- tonight we have frost warnings!

When I say, "Come in the gym and get out of the cold," I do really mean it! Yes, it is supposed to be spring-- at least we aren't living in North Dakota where they just received 15 more inches of snow!!

The gym is open 6am-noon to walk-- come and join us!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Church of Christ Disaster Relief

Many of us were impressed and moved by Bro. Lynn Cook, who spoke to the congregation recently about the work the Church of Christ Disaster Relief of Nashville are doing in the United States-- some have asked for more info~ We have brochures at the church and here is the website if you would like more information, or is you would like to donate to the effort:
I've added the link to our list of links, also.

One of the trucks providing relief boxes to local churches of Christ to distribute in affected communities. When we were in Hurricane Charlie in Florida, we had three truck deliveries totally more than $400,000 in aid we distributed in Charlotte County.

The warehouse facilities located in Nashville, TN

The volunteers are loading boxes to be sent to a disaster area

Thursday, April 24, 2008

May Youth Calendar

Our May Youth Calendar was passed out at church last evening~ If you need a copy, please check with the church office. Here are some highlights of upcoming events:
April 27- Don't forget our youth night (pm)
May 2- Gospel Singing @ Washington Ave. congregation in Jonesboro
May 4- All Church Picnic in Stewart Park
May 4- Youth Night- we will be making Mother's Day crafts
May 18- Graduation Night Fellowship
May 20- Bible Bowl- we are hosting
May 30- Tentative 7/11 Night- More info to follow
Also, each Wednesday is "Kids for Christ" ~ Gym opens @ 5pm, dinner @ 6pm, Bible class @ 7pm.

From The Preacher's Desk

A Song of Worship

Presidential inaugurations are a tradition that started with our first President, George Washington on April 30, 1789. Over the years, there have been many interesting inaugural ceremonies:

Thomas Jefferson walked to his first inaugural. When it was over, he returned to his boardinghouse for dinner. All the seats were filled. (I’m sure someone gave up his seat for the President!)
Andrew Jackson, having opened the White House to the public—in keeping with a tradition started by Jefferson—was forced to escape a rowdy mob of well-wishers by climbing out the window.
Ronald Reagan took the oath of office privately on the twentieth of January, holding the public ceremony the following day, due to a conflict with the Super Bowl.
George W. Bush’s second inauguration was the most expensive in history—costing more than $40 million.

Presidential inaugurations have been solemn ceremonies and uninhibited celebrations. They are carefully scripted and they are unpredictable. They reflect tradition and they reflect the moment.

Psalm 98 is known as an enthronement psalm. Enthronement is something like the inauguration of a President—but here God is being recognized as King. The psalmist tells of the actions and accomplishments of God. “…He has done marvelous things…” (verse 1); “The Lord has made known His salvation…” (verse 2); “He has remembered His mercy and His faithfulness…” (verse 3).
The Psalm continues to extol the virtues of our Creator. At the end, the psalmist reminds us of an important fact: “With righteousness He shall judge the earth” (verse 9). What shall be our response to that? As great, mighty, and merciful our God is, there will be a day of judgment. Are you ready? That day is coming. Rob Combs, Minister

Wednesdays Around Main Street

Every Wednesday is an exciting time around the church~ this week was no exception. We always have a nice group of young people-- and sometimes their parents-- attend our Wednesday program. This spring we are using our grill more and more. Join us for a "picnic" each week!
We offer Bible classes for all ages. Don't miss out on the fun!

The adults are getting the food ready for the children

Colburn family

Before Bible classes begin, there is ample time for visiting with your friends

Here, Luke Wall and mom are grilling the burgers and hotdogs

Derek, Tasha, and Amanda



This photo will appear in the Times Dispatch newpaper very soon

Daniel Abbott and Ted Coker
I had a many more photos, but I can't get them to load-- sorry.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

From The Preacher's Desk

Make Plans for Eternity

The November 2001 issue of National Graphic featured The Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert, who were made famous in the movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy". These Bushmen are able to survive under very difficult circumstances. For example, the desert area where they live does not have any surface water. How does someone survive without even the most basic supply—water?

The Kalahari Bushmen have some ingenious methods. One of them was to collect ostrich eggs and then, during the wet season, fill them with water and seal them. The ostrich eggs would then be buried and recovered during the dry season. It was this type of planning and preparation that enabled the Bushmen to survive where no one else could.

Planning is important in all aspects of our lives. In Luke 12: 13-21 we read of a parable about a man who made plans for his future. The problem was, he planned for a future on earth, but did not make provisions for eternity. The rich fool decided to tear down his barns and build bigger ones. The man represented many in Christ’s day and many in our day. He planned and planned and planned. He was a real businessman, always looking for an angle on making more money.

One of the greatest lies of our world is that money provides security. You can go to bed a millionaire and wake up a pauper. The rich fool’s covetous and greedy nature led him to tear down his barns and build new ones. But he didn’t plan for eternity. This man deceived himself into believing he had plenty of time. “Soul, you’ve done good...”

God spoke the truth, “Tonight your soul will be required….you will die.” Something to think about, isn’t it? Rob Combs, Minister

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Juvenile Diabetes Workshop

Debbie and I were able to attend the Juvenile Diabetes Workshop that was held in our annex this afternoon from 12-4pm. Area children were invited to come and stuff, dress, and name a stuffed animal-- plus get to play some games and do a craft project.
There are so many activities available to families here at Main Street. Did you get a youth calendar for April? It is filled with events and activities you and your children can be involved with.
Our niece, Laura Combs, was the first child in attendance-- here is the happy day from her prespective:
Laura chose to stuff and dress a duck-- or is it a chicken?

Laura first stuffs the animal and learns about its "friendship" qualities. She later received a birth certificate and named the chicken "Belle."

Look at all the stuffed animals and accessories available.

Laura picks out a shirt-- (with all the choices it wasn't easy-- but she eventually settled on the purple shirt)

Mommy, Julie Combs, decorated a photo frame for Laura

Laura entered the coloring contest

Here she is playing one of the games

Another game-- fishing for prizes! (Laura caught a BIG one-- a package of barrettes)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Josh and Mindy Horn Wedding Shower

Rob and Debbie's Life Group hosted a wedding shower Sunday, April 6th for Josh and Mindy (Milligan) Horn, who were recently married here at the church. We wish them many years of happiness and joy!

Debbie Rice
Mindy's brother and sister-in-law
Mindy opens a gift
Our youth minister, Tim Wilkins
From left: Amber, Zach, Matthew, James, and Robin
Genny Milligan and family
Mindy and daughter, Ashley Nicjolas
The happy couple: Josh and Mindy prepare to open their gifts

Grandmother, Mary Light
Josh's new mother-in-law Genny Milligan
Mindy's brother
Grandpa Kendall and Mindy
Josh Horn

Paradise, Brittney, and Janie
From left: Amber and Tyler Wilkins, Kendall and Asbrene Milligan
Amber and Tyler
Nancy Medlock and Pat Graham

Laura Jo Gray

The Money Tree

Evelyn Crow, Dawn Wilkins, Helen Swindle, Beth Poindexter
Debbie Combs and Martha Coker
Debbie, Nancy, Asbrene