Thursday, June 19, 2008

From The Preacher's Desk

The Problem With Sin

Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. I John 3:4

This seems like an overly simplistic definition of sin, but it is very accurate. Sin is being out of step with God’s likeness and His plans. Sin always seems so appealing, but then it always ends in destruction.

I read a story about a preacher who was visiting Niagara Falls one spring. Ice was rushing down the river. The preacher noticed large blocks of ice flowing toward the falls, he saw carcasses of dead fish embedded in the ice. Sea Gulls by the score were riding down the river feeding on the fish. As they came to the brink of the falls, their wings would go out, and they would escape from the falls.
One bird delayed too long so that its claws had frozen into the ice. The weight of the ice was too great, and the gull plunged into the falls.
The finest attractions of this world become deadly when we become overly attached to them. They may take us to our destruction if we cannot give them up.
Rob Combs, minister

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