Hailey Fowler
Jill Cagle and Nancy Medlock (well, they're not kids, but still a good picture)
Located at 319 E. Main Street in Walnut Ridge, Arkansas (870) 886-9604 Email: robcombs9@sbcglobal.net
A big smile from Rebecca Easton
Kenneth and a shy Wanda McEntire
The other half of the twins-- Zachary Willfond-- or is it Robert Willfond?
Martha Coker serves her grandson, Andrew. Our menu was hotdogs or Cheeseburger Macaroni, tator tots, mac and cheese, salad, beans, and banana pudding or cheescake. Yum, yum!
Marilyn Colburn (far right), Doris Shackelford, and Paula Fuller man the dessert line.
Michelle Easton takes control of the drinks.
Come join us! Lots of fun and fellowship!
Doris Shackelford, Lana Henson, and Nancy Medlock
Helen Swindle, who also volunteers in a local jail ministry to women.
Ruby Light (in red) reacts to the meal being delivered. She happens to be one of our shut-ins from our congregation.
Ruby with Debbie Cook. Debbie, in addition to being an active member here at Main Street, serves as a Community-Based Case Manager for the AR Department of Health.
The food is being plated for delivery.
Pat Graham was in charge of the desserts.
Jan Dillingham is covering some of the desserts, getting them ready to be transported.
Busy Workers for the Lord: Doris Shackelford, Estella, and Debbie.
Thank you "Sisters in Christ" for all your benevolent work.