Thursday, August 7, 2008

Kids For Christ Wednesday

We had a large and energetic (and hungry, I might add) group here last night for our weekly "Kids for Christ" program. We love seeing new faces each week-- and getting to know every one better. Remember, if you come next Wednesday, only SMILES are allowed!! We have so much fun on Wednesdays-- it is contagious!

Martha, Joyce and Ronnie serve

Maci and Bella

Luke, Matt, KY all look so thrilled that I took their picture

Joshua and RobinCarrie

David, Andrew, Dallas

Andrew, Wesley, Dalton, Colton


Jonathan, Amos, Beth

Pat, Jeannie, Helen serving


From left: Luke, KJ, Jordan, Matt

Zach (middle) is always the usually one of the first ones here each Wed.

Bonner Family

Anna is in charge of the drinks

Chellan, Janie, Millea

Taylor, AJ, Zach

Helen B.

Pamela and family


We have K-12 meet in the gym for a couple songs and prayer before we break up into classes.

Thanks to Brett H. for leading the singing tonight

In the pre-teen class, we had a game at the beginning of class: We "shaving creamed" the girls and threw cheetos at them (well, the game is more complicated than that, but it is too long to explain here). The game is fun and introduced the lesson about "Hurtful words sticking to us." We talked about ENCOURAGEMENT. The bible says in Hebrews 10:24-25 about HOW we can encourage. In Hebrews 3:13 , we are told about WHEN we should encourage.

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