Friday, August 1, 2008

Summer Program Finale

Our summer program is now history. We had 55 children grades K-6th who enrolled. We offer this free program each summer as a daily VBS program, which included breakfast, lunch, games, a bible lesson and songs, and crafts each day in a Christian environment.

As our finale, we had a cookout for the children and their families and an awards ceremony in the auditorium and we showed a powerpoint display of 440 photos we took over the summer.

We thank you for the memories. We had a fun summer together. Hope to see all the children again in church!

Ed Baker and Dallas Cagle cook the burgers

Look at all the kids and families who attended

Cade and Baylee

Chastitiy and Carrie Colburn present the awards to children and volunteers




The children prepare to receive their awards

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