Friday, August 1, 2008

More Water Fun w/ the Summer Program

Today is the last day for our 3rd Annual Summer Youth Program. The children watched a movie, "Saving Winn-Dixie" and we ended the day with a fun water game.
We took alka seltzer and tied a thread around it-- gave each child a water gun and they tried to aim at the alka seltzer. If your tablet "fizzed away" you were out. What fun!!

Here I am trying to make a hole in a alka seltzer-- guess how successful I was? ZERO! Thanks to Nancy Paxton, Carrie Colburn, Dillon Cagle, Sandy Gibson, and Marilyn Colburn for completing this task- I could not do it!!
Teen volunteer today Mac Morris is caught with a cookie in his mouth!

Here are the completed alka seltzers-- let the game begin!

Carrie looks like she's praying over Jonathan, but actually she is placing an alka seltzer necklace around his neck

The girls fill up their water guns--

Look at the fun the kids are having-- oh, to be young again!

Congrats to Dalton M. who won



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