Well, you know about "best laid plans..." they don't always work out. Our annual Picnic in the Park became a "Picnic in the Park(ing) Lot" due to all the recent rains. At the last minute, we were able to change course and we had a large crowd at the church for our picnic.
The food was great. A BIG thanks to Daniel Abbott who smoked the meats. Thanks to the ladies who provided the side dishes and desserts.
Someone counted 150 in attendance. Hope you were able to enjoy it with us!

Larry Daniel Abbott and grandmother, Mary King (background: Beth and Amie Bonner and Joe Winters)
The crowd begins to descend... on the food!
Ty Callahan at the smoker grill

Ashlyn Abbott volunteers at the grill

Michael Davis and Kiala Downing (Background: Justin Dillingham)
Jordan and Noah
David King

Chris Wall with Ed Baker (background: Debbie Gillean)

From left: Ashlyn Abbott, CJ Hibbs, Charlotte Phillips, Karen Smith, and Helen Swindle

Frances Herring and Carlene Skinner
James and Robin Henry
Alexa Smelser and boyfriend

Haley, Sharon, and Amber

Matthew, Luke, and Tyler

Pat Graham displays her plate full of food (see what you missed!?!)
Joe and Krystal Winters contemplate the desserts-- so many choices!
Davis Callahan and grandma, Lisa Davis

Cliff and Chastity Henry

Roxann Hibbs
Mary shows us her fresh Arkansas strawberries
Our "overflow" crowd outside in the parking lot-- it was a beautiful day!
Some of the children found a shady spot to eat
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