We looked at Mark 14:27-following about Jesus' prediction that His disciples would forsake Him. Remember what Peter said? He replied to Jesus , "Even if all fall away, I will not." (verse 29). Peter did deny, even though he had spent three years with Jesus.
Did Christ give up on Peter? No. Peter had built a good foundation.
Our lesson continued by looking at John 21~ when Jesus, after His resurrection, asked Peter three times, "Do you love Me?" He then told Peter, "Feed My sheep."
Jesus never gives up on us. We need that good foundation-- when we slip, God will still forgive us (I John 1:8-9). We talked about life lessons related to this topic.
One of the activities we did was to build "straw towers." We wanted to see which group could make the best and most stable foundation, and in turn have the tallest structure. It was the basis on which we built our Bible lesson. Here are some of the photos:

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