Saturday, May 31, 2008

Summer Kick-Off Youth Lock-In

Our big "summer kick-off" happened last night-- our first lock-in of the summer. Where were you?

We had a great turn-out-- I counted 55 in attendance. We had a super time and met some new friends. We'll do it again soon!

A song leader is born: Thanks to Cliff Henry, who led some of the songs during our devotional time.
Our other song leader: Travis Edelman-- who just got off work at Old Davidson Park to attend.
Some of the crowd during the devotional

Another side of the devo room

Even more in the devo

Yes, and even more

Dillon Cagle and Justin Cagle

Musical Chairs-- the smaller kids loved the game and wanted to play it even more!

Musical chairs

We played kick-ball, too

Cathy Coker was the pitcher

Beth Bonner takes her turn--

And we ate, and ate, and ate some more!

Matt and Layne and friends

Layne and Luke try their hand at BINGO

BINGO with prizes!

Matt just looks too cool!

Amanda and Courtney. Amanda is moving Monday-- we'll miss you!

Another Amanda-- with brother, Wilson

Zach and friends
Jacquelynn and Scout

The Bonner family-- with Karen Gregory in the background

I'm seeing double! Actually, this is Amber with her friend from Imboden

The older boys played basketball-- some of them played nearly the whole night!

Guess who? Hailey and Sharon

Melissa and Jonathan

Debbie Combs and Carrie Colburn

More chaperones: Chris Wall and Karen Gregory

Melissa, Robin Henry and Chastity Henry

More adults: Tim Wilkins, Matt ans Chastity Colburn, and Carrie Colburn

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rob, where are you in all these photos? Doesn't the photographer need to take a self-portrait every once and a while? Or are you a "mystery photographer?"