Below are some photos taken of the July Life Group meeting for Ted and Martha Coker's group. The Coker's were out of town, but thanks to Leroy and Pat Johnson, who were our hosrs. We had a counter full of food and desserts, as well as a good time of fellowship together and a short devo. Are you attending the Life Group opportunities? If not, try it sometime. You'll leave with a full stomach, a smile on your face, and some spiritual uplift for the week.

Our youngest attendee tonight: Zach Taylor

Libby Allison and Pat Johnson

From left: Larry Sneed, Boyce Dixon, Leroy Johnson

Lorene Parker, Pat Dixon, Della Woodard

The next group may have not been so glad to have their photos taken? Jone` Baldridge, Doris Shackelford, Dallas, Janie, Anna Cagle
A close-up of Dallas

Doyle and Pat McKinney
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