We had a very spiritually uplifting retreat. Our young people had a chance to really bond with each other. A thank-you to everyone who attended, prepared food, transported, chaperoned, and prayed for the success of our outing together. It was hard to choose which photos to display here-- there are many others. Let me know if you would like to see the rest.
Alexa Smelser and boyfriend and brother Ryan

Kelli and Levi
Willie and Ed Baker
Our Saturday morning devotional included a skit about claiming to be faithful (putting on a mask) for certain people (like the preacher or teacher), but then taking the mask off and acting like a non-Christian the rest of the time. This was a fun introduction to the lesson. Here you see (with bags on their faces) James Combs. Tyler Gentry, Brett Nasser, and playing the part of the Sunday School Teacher, Monica Baker.
Here they are with masks off

Colburn and Jordan Lawson pose out on the deck of the retreat cabin-- this is where the boys had a lesson to prepare to lead our church services on Sunday. A BIG thank-you to the guys-- they did a great job leading singing, reading scripture, overseeing communion, and preaching and praying on Sunday. It was quite impressive.

Cody Riggs looks over the lesson for Sunday

Here we are preparing to leave the cabin for the river. On board are James Combs, Matt
Slagley, and
Gatlin Hufstedler.

Debbie Cook at a special
devo with the girls, which included making communion bread for the church service on Sunday. Her lesson included reading scriptures about the importance and meaning behind the unleavened bread.

Colburn, Dillon
Cagle, and Dallas
Cagle during the boys
devo on the deck.

Sandy and Tommy Gibson joined us Saturday for the river experience~

Debbie Combs holding the
newest member of the Ed Baker family~ "Shaggy Maggie" their new
wiener dog. She became
every one's instant friend!
James Combs ready to go tubing
Tyler Gentry

Here they go!

A lot of the kids went rope jumping into the river-- I couldn't get any closer for the photos, but they had a fun time.
Brittany Sanders in the river
Jonathan Colburn
Monica Baker
Gatlin, James, Matt S.

Our chef for the weekend, Lisa
Hufstedler-- she did a great job!!
Dallas Cagle prepares skewers for the marshmallow roast Sat. night
Brett Hufstedler and Chastity Sullivan
Dillon Cagle and Cody Riggs
Gabriel Bonner throwing Amos into the water-- SPLASH!

Mac Morris, Tyler Gentry, Tanner Gregory, and Brett Nasser at the pool.
Getting ready to jump
I took a picture of Kelli O'Neal, who was taking a picture of some of the damage around Spring River. In Feb., much of the park we were at was under water, and much of the damage remains.
Gatlin, James, Derek Farrer coming out of the Springs.

I think Anna
Cagle was trying to find a way to cool off. The heat index was 107 degrees today!
Debbie Cook
Ashley Baker at the pool
Gatlin Hufstedler

Kelsie and Kara with Janie Cagle

James Combs
Kelsie, Kara, Brett, and in the water, Janie and Tyler.
Chef Rodney Hufstedler gets the grill fired up for our burger and hot dogs for lunch today
Ashley, Brett, Chastity, and Kayla

Kaitlyn, Carrie, and
Chastitiy Colburn floating lazily down the river
Here Matt Colburn is-- he was pulling all of them along!
Ashley and Kayla
Tanner Gregory
Mac Morris taking a rest

Getting ready to float down Spring River
Here they come!
Jonathan was first in line for lunch!
Cliff and Chastity Henry

Aimee Bonner

For our devo Sat. night, I had the kids hold large nails and imitate the crucifixion. It got very tiring for them to hold their arms up for just a few minutes. We talked about how painful Jesus' death was. Thanks to Jordan, Beth, and Ashley for helping me with the demonstration.
We had a game about being blindfolded and eating bananas. Thanks to Mac, Brett and Tyler for helping.
Matt Wall arrived late-- he was playing baseball this weekend. Here he is posing with Tanner.
Chris Wall
Drake, Michelle, Kyle and Maci Smelser

Mac Morris and Matt Wall at the marshmallow roast
The campfire
Our devo ended with pinning what prevents us from serving God fully to the cross. Answers included being too busy, my friends, not getting up for church, not reading my Bible, etc.

Looked like great fun
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What an enriching event for the families and especially your young people! Your leaders and preacher should be thanked for allowing such a great event to take place. In these days of children getting into trouble, etc., it's good to see a church and older Christians showing them that time spent w/ other Christians and learning about God can be fun!
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