Thursday, July 10, 2008

Wednesday at Main Street

Here are some photos from the Summer Program Wednesday, and from our weekly "Kids for Christ" Program that meets 5-8 pm every Wednesday.

The children in the summer program enjoyed a special "Movie Day" today~

Thanks to our kitchen helper this morning, Joyce Ward

Nancy Paxton was a volunteer today, as well as our regular, Sandy Gibson

We had one of our largest Wednesday night crowds ever! We fed almost 100 last night


In my pre-teen class, we had a "Cookie Tug-of-War" before class began

The winner

In class, we had a play about "Finding Your Love" which included three doctors examining a patient (Gatlin H.). Here is Doctor Stomach~
This is Doctor Brain

Dr. Brain again-- not pictured is Doctor Heart~ If anyone wants the script, I can email it to you--it has a lot of good Bible references also.

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