Monday night, we had a youth outing to Family Fun Central in Jonesboro. Every Monday night this summer they are offering a "Christian Skate Night." For a cost of only $3.00 admission, children can skate from 6pm-8:30pm (skates or blades are included). The concessions are very reasonable. We saw some folks from the Hoxie Church of Christ there, too. For more info, go to

Here we are in line to get our skates/ roller blades.
Ashley (she is Sue Bentley's granddaughter)

Alex (orange shirt) gets her skates on

Chaperone Anna Cagle helps Gracie Evans get her footing-- this was her first time to skate!
Chaperone Mikah (left) with Janie Cagle and friend Chellan (Chellan attends the Portia congregation)
Cliff turned out to be "light on his feet." He was a big help to all the beginner skaters
Anna Cagle and Chastity Henry


Eutah Evans holds on to the wall for dear life!
Gracie and Janie fall down~ the first of many times tonight!
Alex readies to enter the rink

Hailey, Rainey, and Ashley

Cliff and Chas spy the concessions (Cliff had an observation-- he remained hungry all night-- and kept eating-- he thinks they put something in the food to keep you hungry-- humm... I wonder if that could be true? (or is Cliff just a BIG eater?)
Eutah gave it the old college try-- he really did, but eventually he had Cliff use him like a wheel barrow and roll him across the rink!
Ashley won one of the contests tonight-- the limbo-- Congrats!!
A snack break

Zach Taylor

This photo is a little out of order-- here we are getting ready to leave

Gracie spent a lot of her time at the "machines"
Chastity grabbed my camera and took this terrible photo? Who could this be?

Chaperones Mikah and Pam (Pam skated with the kids and was very good!)
We have regular youth events. Come and join us for the next one!
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